Finding the Right Kind of Exercise
/Finding the right kind of exercise is a difficult feat but it is possible. You may be asking what I mean by ‘the right kind of exercise’. Basically, you need to figure out what you like to do and how to incorporate that in to your life so it is a habit you can maintain. Years ago when I gained some weight that I needed to lose I started to do an aerobics video called “Slim in 6.” It was a great way to get moving. After a while, though, the video became monotonous and I needed a change.
I found running by accident. I had been losing weight, working out regularly, and eating healthy. Then one day someone challenged me to run a mile with him. I didn’t even make it a half mile. My side hurt. I was out of breath. And I just felt miserable. I couldn’t believe it. I was working out almost every day and couldn’t run a half a mile. It amazed me. So I took that as a challenge. I wanted to be able to run a mile without feeling like I was going to pass out.
At that time I had moved in to an apartment with a great little workout center so I could run on the treadmill, use the elliptical, bike, and do weights. I started at a half a mile. It was so painful but I did it and slowly upped to a mile. I wasn’t fast but I could do it. Over time I was up to 3 miles and ready for my first 5K. I was a nervous wreck the morning of that first 5K. It was the Save the Lighthouse race outside Charleston, SC and included a half marathon with the 5K. As I made it over that finish line I thought all those runners doing a half marathon were crazy. Who would want to run 13.1 miles at one time? Well, turns out, I did about a year later and have continued to do about 2 half marathons a year since then.
So why do I keep up running but workout videos go to the side? Why have I had memberships to different gyms but been unable to make myself go? Why have I tried out group classes like kickboxing and go back to running? I think for me it is having a goal to work toward. I schedule a half marathon each spring and fall so that I continue to run regularly throughout the year. I may do some videos from time to time but they are not routine. I even started P90X and made it about 75 days in before I realized I wouldn’t keep the routine going for life so working out regularly with them now wasn’t going to really help me in 6 months. I needed something that I would continue to do. I think that is what everyone is looking for. I am not saying running is the answer for everyone but it has helped me stay active. Let’s see if we can find something you might enjoy and maintain.
Group activities: Going to a group class like Zumba or kickboxing is great for lots of people. Even when you don’t have the energy or desire to be there, you get in that group with a bunch of people and their energy feeds in to you. Groups are great especially if you have someone that meets you there. Having that personal responsibility of meeting another person can be enough to keep you going.
The gym: The gym is a great place to try new types of exercises and meet different people. If you have a workout buddy to meet you there it is even better but some people like to work out alone, too. The gym offers machines, free weights, treadmills, and much more to keep you from getting bored with one type of exercising. If you make sure you bring your workout clothes to the office and change before leaving, you may find yourself more inclined to show up each time.
Home videos or equipment: There is nothing that says you have to physically leave your house to workout. Videos like Slim in 6 and P90X have worked for many people. I still go back and do them from time to time. You can learn the techniques and not have to have the video on either. You do have to have some discipline because it is easy to make excuses or push off workouts to a later time. But for some this gives flexibility to work out when you can. Plus these days you can pull up different workouts online every day and not get tired of the same old video you have done dozens of times. I like to schedule my workout on the calendar so that it is a part of my routine each day.
Outdoor activities: Running, hiking, walking, jogging, biking, soccer, basketball, etc…. There are so many activities you can do outside. Sometimes this can be difficult during the hotter and colder times of the year but if you love being outside these are good options.
Try an activity you have done before and didn’t enjoy. This sounds silly but it is one to consider. Think about foods you hated as a kid that you now like. Tastes change in food and activities. When I was younger my older sister was the runner. I hated running and would not consider it. Everyone assumed I would be just like her running cross country and track and I had absolutely no interest. I was in my late 20s when I realized that I enjoyed running, or more like wogging for me these days (walk-jogging).
Setting goals: For many people exercising just to exercise doesn’t last long. Setting goals like completing a 5K or mud run, losing a couple of inches, feeling better, having more energy, boosting mood, or a desire to be around to see your children graduate are all great reasons to start exercising and continue it. For me, I like to set goals that keep me moving and even add new ones from time to time like a several day bike ride that I am now training for.
If it seems intimidating to pick something, start out small with a YouTube video or looking in to a couch to 5K program. Any physical activity is better than nothing. You just need to make that first step.