I truly believe that happiness is health. Being at the healthiest a person can be does lead to satisfaction in many areas of your life. Finding that balance in your eating habits, physical activity along with your work and personal life all improve health and happiness. This is what a wellness coach is there to help you with. In the medical world many terms have been coming out – wellness coach, health coach, life strategies coaching…. Heck, physicians are now practicing Lifestyle Medicine. Yes, that is a thing now. All of these titles revolve around the same concept of helping you become healthy in your life so that you can stay illness free and enjoy your life.
This said you are probably thinking about your interactions with your primary care provider (internist, family physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner). I bet when topics like your diet, exercise and weight come up you are just told to eat healthy and get more exercise. That isn’t coaching. Many providers are trained to coach their patients but their busy schedules do not allow time to talk about what you truly need to be healthy. I completed additional training in coaching and started my own focused practice to help me help you.
Even if you are already dealing with an illness, it is not too late to work on your health. If you have played hard in the past and are now paying the price, you can start today. I didn’t start really exercising regularly until I hit 30. It wasn’t because I saw a number and felt it was time, I just found something I enjoyed doing that helped me relieve stress and it became a habit. So, let me help you find those things you enjoy to improve your life.